Migration Strategies for using IEC 61850 Edition 2 Amendment 1 (Ed 2.1)3
UCA International User Group (UCAIug) Supporting Users

Free Webinar - Watch Now!
Previously held on Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 10 AM - 11AM EDT

Over the years, IEC 61850 started out with Edition 1 and has continued to evolve and improve with updates including Edition 2 and 2.1 (Edition 2 Amendment 1). Ed 2.1 is the latest release and as a result the UCAIug IEC 61850 Test Procedure Working Group (TPWG) has been actively developing IEC 61850 Edition 2.1 conformance test procedures and new policies for Ed 2.0 & 2.1 conformance testing.

With updated conformance test procedures and timeframes, many new questions are being asked. What are the key drivers to motivate utilities to upgrade to Ed 2.1? What are the issues related to migrate a substation automation system towards Edition 2.1?

The UCAIug has published a white paper documenting best practices and new policies to rollout Ed2.1. The goal of this webinar is review highlights of the white paper, provide the IEC vs User perspective and review of testing and migration strategies for Ed 2.1.

What you'll learn:

  • Why use Ed 2.1 and highlight several improvements & benefits from Amendment 1, such as:
  • Ed 2 technical issues are addressed
  • Improvements to support Cyber Security
  • Support for both backward & forward compatibility for future proofing
  • Routable GOOSE & Sampled Values
  • Introduction of new logical nodes, i.e. DER
  • More widely applicable Sampled Values usage with IEC 61869-9 including DC support
  • The UCA International User Group (UCAIug) perspective and how they are helping users, specifically:  
    • New releases & conformance testing policies
    • Resources for Ed 2.1 certification
  • DNV will review what is being tested in Ed 2.0 vs Ed 2.1 along with timing of Ed 2.1 certification.
  • Triangle MicroWorks, Inc. will review recommended vs non-recommended migration strategies.
  • Red Electric de Espana will discuss their motivation & strategy to migrate to Ed 2.1, and their real-world experience along with common issues they faced.

Presented by2



Herb Falk
Vice President of Testing

Mr. Falk has over 40 years of experience working in the automation, information exchange, standardization activities, and systems integration.  Previous employment was Westinghouse Numa-Logic and SISCO where he was responsible for 61850 and CIM integration projects and products.  Mr. Falk has been involved with IEC 61850 technology since 1982 and cyber security since 1993.  Mr. Falk is an editor of IEC 61850-8-1, editor of several cyber security standards, and is the Vice President of Testing for the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) . His work for the UCAIug has involved the coordination of IEC 61850 interoperability testing in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.

Rich Schimmel bio pic close up
Richard Schimmel
Verification Manager for Protocol test lab
DNV Energy Systems - Arnhem, The Netherlands

Richard has over 30 year experience at DNV with 20 of those years working with IEC 61850. He also has extensive experience work with IEC 60870-6, ICCP/TASE.2 and other standards. Richard works with UCAIug as the main editor for conformance test procedures for server, client, GOOSE performance, ICT & SCT tools. He is also an editor and member of IEC TC57 WG10/WG17.

Joel Greene
Joel Greene
Director, IEC 61850 Development
Triangle MicroWorks, Inc.

Joel has worked with communication protocols for over 15 years with the last 6 years in the power industry. He is the lead engineer for IEC 61850 development & products at Triangle MicroWorks and is heavily involved with 61850 industry groups. He also works as the co-editor of IEC 61850 7-2. He is a member of the UCA Test Committee and Test Procedures Working Group and involved in IEEE Standard Association. 

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Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo
Project Manager of EPICS Project (Centralized Protection &Control System)
Elewit, Red Electrica Group

Carlos Rodríguez del Castillo received his Telecommunication Engineering degree from the Universidad de Ingenieros de Sevilla in 1997. After graduation Carlos moved to Madrid and joined ELIOP, S.A. in 1998 where he worked for seven years in SCADA development projects. Carlos has been involved in the design and implementation of multiple SCADA communication system solutions with legacy protocols, and has a field experience in working with standards. In 2005 Carlos joined Red Eléctrica de España as substation engineer focused in the substation automation system. He has been working with IEC 61850 since 2008 making it a reality in Red Eléctrica. In September 2019, Carlos moved to Elewit, the Innovation company of Red Eléctrica, as Project manager of EPICS Project (Centralized Protection and Control System) and he is also working as IoT partner in the cycle Innovation department of Elewit. He is member of IEC TC57 WG10 since 2010.


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