Verify SCL Files
SCL Verify will verify one file at a time either from the current workspace or by selecting a file. The severity of each test can be configured by running the SCL Verify Configuration tool.
Run the Verifier
1) Select the SCL Verify tool
2) Choose which SCL file to check. This can be a file from the current workspace or you can browse to select a file from disk.
3) Select Run
Viewing Results
The results of the SCL Verify are shown on the left. The SCL File will appear in the SCL Viewer on the right. Clicking on line items after running the Verifier will navigate to the line where the error was found.
Setting the Edition for Modeling Checks
The edition (1 or 2) that SCL Verify will use when comparing the object model in the file to the object model defined by the standard is set at the top of the screen:
There are two options:
- Use version/revision attribute on SCL – Determines the version by inspecting the SCL attribute at top level.
- Use originalSclVersion/originalSclRevision attributes on each IED – Determines each individual IED by using the originalSclVersion/originalSclRevision attributes on each IED element.
The edition of the SCL File is determined by looking at the version and revision in the <SCL> tag at the top of the SCL File:
- 2007:B4 is considered edition 2.1
- 2007:A or 2007:B are considered edition 2
- 2003: ? (where ? is the revision and can be any value) or blank for those fields is considered edition 1